The Iguaçu Falls were one of the winners of the contest that chose the 7 Wonders of Nature. The system consists of 275 waterfalls along 2.7 km of the Iguaçu River. Some of the individual falls are up to 82 meters high. Makes the place more than special.
Watch the episodeIt is one of the mountains of Santa Catarina, The route of the SC-390 highway is characterized by steep climbs and tight curves. Covered by the Atlantic Forest, with a very diverse fauna and many waterfalls. A spectacular road.
Watch the episodeSerra da Canastra National Park is one of the most important Brazilian national parks, within the park is located the historical source of the São Francisco River. A scenario of rare beauty, its vegetation transitions between the "edge of the Atlantic Forest" and the "beginning of the Cerrado", with a predominance of Campos de Altitude, home to countless species of fauna and flora from the cerrado. A breathtaking view.
Watch the episodeChapada Diamantina is a region of mountains, where almost all the rivers in the Paraguaçu, Jacuípe and Rio de Contas basins are born. These streams of water spring from the ridges and plummet in bubbling waterfalls and form transparent natural pools. A lush setting.
Watch the episodeJericoacoara is a beach located in the state of Ceará, it has already been chosen as one of the ten most beautiful beaches on the planet. It is one of the most frequented places for kitesurfers. "Jericoaquara" is a Tupi language term and means "turtle hole".
Watch the episodeThe Iguaçu Falls, was one of the winners of the contest that chose the 7 Wonders of Nature. Makes the place more than special.
It is one of the mountains of Santa Catarina, characterized by steep climbs and tight curves. A spectacular road.
Inside the park is located the historic source of the São Francisco River. A setting of rare beauty and a breathtaking view.
Chapada Diamantina is a region of mountains, where almost all the rivers in the Paraguaçu, Jacuípe and Rio de Contas basins are born. A lush setting.
Jericoacoara has already been voted one of the ten most beautiful beaches on the planet. It is one of the most frequented places for kitesurf.
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The start of the first electrical expedition in Brazil has been given.
The New Taycan Cross Turismo arrived in Brazil. Venturing out with an electric sports car? At Porsche, this is more than possible. The new Taycan Cross Turismo is ready to embark on an expedition from South to North of Brazil
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